
Week 2: Math and Art

During the lecture of this week, we discussed how art and math come together for people to create new concepts and ideas. I know that art involves an element of mathematics in it. Artists need to use these mathematical geometry to create the art that create stunning and moving impacts. In my opinion, math and art both play important roles in the works of art.

Mathematical Geometry
+Artistic Design
=Great Artworks

We also learned more about the golden ratio this week. This is another excellent point that reflects on how math and art complement each other. There are many examples of the patterns in nature and structures in architecture around the world that apply golden ratio, such as the Parthenon, the Egyptian Pyramids and countless paintings.

Additionally, artists combined geometric shapes such as triangle when creating their artworks because these simple geometric shapes can give us a strong visual impact and show us the wonderful mathematical beauty. Artists show us that math and art are not two separated areas and some elements of math can actually become a part of artistic composition. Math and art are interconnected.


From the lecture, the readings and the examples above, I realized that the existence of math in art and the appearance of art in math are not coincidences, but an inevitable result. On one hand, for art to achieve perfection and influence maximization, it has to be based on nature, and therefore has to be based on knowledge of math. On the other hand, the geometry of math is shown beautiful in artworks, and therefore thanks to art, math is more interesting and fascinating. Art and math complements each other and then creates a glorious civilization for us. sources


Vesna, Victoria. “Mathematics-pt1-ZeroPerspectiveGoldenMean.mov.” Cole UC online. Youtube, 9 April 2012. Web. 7 Apr. 2016.



