It is true that some famous artists made artworks with new technology
with the risk of losing uniqueness and originality. For example, after the
development of photography and journalism, Andy Warhol made his artworks by
reproducing photos of celebrities from journals or the packaging of
mass-produced products such as cans. He even encouraged people to act like
machines and robots. He admitted in the interview that his works were not
original and he did so because the replication was easier than the creation of
something new in this advanced world. The development of scientific technology may
simplify hard work and comfort human life, but may leave less space human
creativity due to the influence of “mass culture.”
Additionally, the success of AlphaGo, a computer program developed by
Google DeepMind, made me worry about the future of human art. AlphaGo can
improve its skills of playing the board game Go by matching with human players.
In March 2016, it successfully beat Lee Sedol, a top human player, in a
five-game match. I wonder if artificial technology could replace human artists
one day.
Benjamin, Walter, and J. A. Underwood. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. London: Penguin, 2008. Print.